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Friday, April 13, 2007

The letter I'd write if I thought anyone was listening.

Dear Mother Nature ~

Not only are you raining on my weekend plans, you're threatening snow, as well? What's that about? It's mid-April! I know that April Showers Bring May Flowers... yada, yada, yada... but what good is snow at this point? Don't you realize that all the winter coats got washed and put away after the LAST April snowstorm?

Well, fine. I'll just stay home if that's the way you are going to

Sincerely, though pouting,

...oh well...

Last night I treated myself to a little MNO (mom's night out). We had a good sized group -- 6 of us -- and it was definitely worth the drive.

One of my friends has a baby who still joins us for these occasions, but he's getting so mobile that I'm not sure how rested his momma feels at the end of the evening. It's been fun watching him grow up. Last night he actually called me by name (at least, he waved big in my direction and said something that sounded enough like Tracy for me) and allowed me to cuddle him for about two seconds (I used the excuse that his shoe needed tying). But as I watched him toddle back and forth, back and forth, I was surprised at just how hard it is to remember when my own kids were that size. That was me just 4 short years ago, maybe 5; Jumping up to direct the baby, follow the baby, and arms aching from carrying the baby.

Now I have no babies. None. Zilch. They all grew up to be kids on me. And soon they are all going to be far beyond that.

It made me feel a little bit old. I kept thinking I wouldn't have the energy these days to keep up with a baby, even though I know this stage my friend is going through is so, so brief in the big scheme of things. He'll be a kid soon, too.

It was fun having babies, but I'm so glad I'm on to the next stage. Resting. I'm looking forward to more of that as they get even older.

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