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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Random Thoughts

I honestly believe that our communities should find a way to live with a four-day work week. I don't even leave my home for work each day, and by Thursday I'm typically exhausted. I'm ready for the weekend. I'm ready to sleep in and give myself at least half a day where a to-do list does not exist. I've been pretty good about saving Sundays for that. It doesn't always work out, but generally, Sunday is the day that I require nothing of myself and therefore I end up doing lots of puttering and relaxing.

This week has been special. The kids have been more-or-less sick, one right after another, since we returned from our travels. We cancelled all of our extra-curricular activities this week. Things are looking up, but I think we will continue in take-it-easy mode through the next couple of days just to be safe. On the plus side, it's given me lots of time to focus on work AND I've had work... desktop publishing and some web projects. My checklist for the week is solidly checked and my muse is talking me through some fiction work, as well. It's that whole snow-ball effect, I guess. The more you do, the more you want to do, the more you do... now if I could only make each day about 27 hours long... and make myself capable of spending that extra time productively rather than in bed.

Got in the shower this evening to find an elaborate structure built from shampoo and soap bottles. Dear hubby wonders if perhaps we aren't providing enough building/creating opportunities for dear boy.

I'm sure enjoying these cloudy days, but I'm wondering if the rain will let up before the grass gets so tall that it's difficult to mow. The kids and I are cooking up a yard project. It won't exactly be a garden, but it will involve shovels and at least one good-sized hole.

I'll leave you with a couple more pictures from last week. My family has been watching the hole in this rock since 1969. I will have to get copies of all the old pictures from my dad. In the first picture we have, it was actually two holes.

These photos are from Monument Rocks in Gove County, Kansas.

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