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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Two Year Blogiversary

Is this evidence that attention span increases with age? I’ve officially been online at this address for two years now. It seems a feat, unless you consider the change of theme and content over time a sign that I’m still easily distracted. Two years ago today I was hard at work on a rewrite of a novel. That effort, along with a few others, is now collecting dust on a shelf. I don’t have any bottom drawers in this desk or it would be that classic manuscript in the drawer. And even though I “finished it” I would never claim, at this point, to have ever completed a novel-length manuscript. At least, not one that I would allow anybody to read.


No, I haven’t given up the dream of writing a novel. Someday I will put something together that is whole and intact with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Someday… but not this day.

I’m just happy to be writing and getting stuff out there again. My approach is a bit eclectic, I realize. But I like it this way and I keep myself entertained, for the most part. That’s the important part, right? Growing and trying new things and reaching tomorrow for something I haven’t mastered yet today?

Anyway… it’s been two years and I thought that worthy of remark.

Happy blogiversary to me.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

Happy Blogiversary!
Here's to many more!