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Monday, January 22, 2007

Who needs a sled?

Hubby and I eyed the sleds and snow tubes as we left the store on Saturday.

“We really ought to get the kids a sled,” I sighed.

“Looks fun, ehh?” he said.

Then we mused about how abused our children must be. It feels like it’s been a while since our impulse was to run outside and play at the first sign of white in the sky. Instead, we are likely to grab the blankets and a stack of movies. On a good snow day, we might treat ourselves with a day of games played at the kitchen table and hot cocoa with our favorite winter comfort foods.

Soon after we arrived home, the big ole’ white flakes the weatherman had promised began to fall. It was pretty, but the kindly mailperson soon arrived with a big fat package from the library with my name on it. It was looking to be my kind of snow day.

The kids, however, were inspired to go a little different direction. Little boy asked, “If I go out and play in the snow, will you make me hot chocolate when I come in?”

He bundled himself up and headed out. The girls soon followed. Eventually, the oldest came in asking for the lid to the clothes hamper.

“What do you need the lid for?”

“It’s the closest thing we have to a sled,” she answered. And she didn’t sound a bit sad or abused about it. It was simply a fact—have snow, will find/create sled and a good time will be had by all.

Post Script:

Okay, I did get inspired once the kids showed me it was THIS kind of snowball weather.

They'd built four of these before they got too wet and cold to stay out. Last night, the neighbors were building one taller than me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!