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Friday, November 11, 2005

Why I am up at 1 o'clock in the morning...

I wore my watch tonight because I knew I would want to be aware of the time. Wanted to, yet didn’t want to… maybe needed to, but wished there was a way of avoiding it. It was Mom’s Night Out, a luxury I’ve been taking once or twice a month. And as always happens at our MNOs… I didn’t want it to end.

There were six of us tonight. We met at a little coffee shop called Milton’s, a half hour drive for me... thus the need to keep track of the hour. Whatever time I left, I would still have the drive home. I would need the time to unwind from my single cup of sugar-filled coffee. One night like this is almost always guaranteed to knock the rhythm from my typical early-to-bed-early-to-rise routine. But it’s worth it. Entirely worth it.

We filled the biggest table at the back of the room and we just talked and talked and talked.

Women. Mothers. Eclectic variations of homeschoolers. Sisters in spirit. Friends.

I have found a community where I fit. It’s warm and fuzzy. It’s energizing and relaxing at the same time. It’s amazingly comfortable and it supports me in ways I’d nearly forgotten I longed to be supported.

Birthing stories. Grammar and punctuation. Family beds. Kids and television. Breastfeeding. Pre-teen mood swings. Faith. Life without school.

They speak my language. Their stories are so familiar… it’s almost like we've been friends…


1 comment:

Samantha said...


Ditto! I love MNO. I look forward to it all day. I have been wating for this for a long time too. I'm so glad I found you and every one else. Warm and fuzzy thoughts.