
You can now find me writing here...

Friday, October 28, 2005

I am the prettiest girlie ever!

My son, age-4-for-one-more-week, gave me a “makeover” tonight. Not just any makeover, an “extreme” makeover.

“You are going to be so girlie,” he told me, “that you won’t even know yourself when I am done.”

He started by brushing my hair with two different brushes and a then a comb. I would say he’s very gentle, but I have one of those tough heads. No amount of fierce braiding or detangling has ever gotten to me.

My daughter reluctantly let him use some makeup from her collection.

I have to say that he wields a tube of lipstick like a big fat kindergarten crayon. My lips, and beyond, were brilliantly red when he was finished.

“Does it feel weird when someone pokes this stuff on your eye?” he asked.

Yes, in fact, in did. Weird… and maybe a bit scary.

When he was done, however, I did indeed look very girlie… in a Halloweenish sort of way.

But hey, ‘tis the season. Right?


Anonymous said...

What? no picture of the makeover!!!

Tracy Million Simmons said...

There was a picture, but like he said, I was so girlie I didn't even know myself... so when I looked at the pictures on the camera, I didn't know which one was me. Therefore, no picture.

Derek the Great said...

Pathetic. You tease us mercilessly. Your public demands a photo.