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Thursday, September 22, 2005

June Cleaver, Part II

The downside to having three kids and a REALLY clean house is that, at least until the initial thrill wears off, you kind of become… Anal-Retentive-Uptight-Mommy… which is not the kind of Mommy I like to be. But hey, the house is clean and sometimes you’ve just got to hang with it. If “the flow” means NO you absolutely can NOT eat anything with the potential to crumb anywhere other than OVER the plate AT the table, and shoes are ripped off poor little feet to be stored in their proper places even BEFORE poor little feet are finished playing outside, and of course you can do your wonderful craft projects AS LONG AS every little scrap of paper is IMMEDIATELY picked up and thrown into the trash the moment it becomes a scrap… then, doggonit, that’s what “the flow” is going to be.

That’s why—when Bubba Hubby’s Mom (one of our guests) wearily proclaimed that she was heading “home” for the evening because, thank goodness, things are looking at-least-no-longer-downward for Uncle, AND she said, “Why don’t I take the kids with me?”— I very nearly did cartwheels over my very clean kitchen table.

Not that I don’t dearly love and cherish my kids.

But you know what?

Kids being gone to grandparents house overnight = 24 hours more of VERY CLEAN house.

Anal-Retentive-Uptight-Mommy is going to take a breather. Hell, I may even kick her out the door altogether so my kids can come home tomorrow to ME, the Mom they know and love.

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