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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday Surfin'

It’s been a very long, very busy week. Been trying to get myself into blogging mode for fear my big sis will get after me for being silent. I've managed a couple of failed attempts in the last couple of days, and then I found myself at Angela’s site. She has suggested a game of Sunday Surfin’. Here are the rules as posted by Angela:

  1. Choose one blog randomly from your own regular reads.

  2. From that blog (after reading their latest, of course), choose a blog from their reads with the most interesting name - and you must have never been to that blog before.

  3. On blog 2, choose a blog with a name you’ve often seen on other blogs but have never actually visited.

  4. On this third blog, surf on to the last blog listed in their links.

  5. Here, choose the blog listed 10th in their links.

  6. Once you’ve visited 4 new blogs (as you aren’t counting the first), share what you found on each in your blog.

My results.

The Life and Times of AGK
I’ve been reading Angela’s blog/website/newsletters/publications for… well, I can’t remember how long but it’s something like years and years and years. Angela is a fellow writer who blogs about her family, her pursuits, and various other topics. She frequently shares photos and other art, as well.

Insert Witty Title Here
I can’t say that this was actually the most interesting name, but it’s the one that made me want to peek first. Christopher lives in Canada, has three kids, and links to some very entertaining news items. Judging from his August entries, he seems to be a frequent blogger and his “who is Christopher” links are very entertaining. I learned, from surfing his site, that he seems to be one of those rare people who is actually trying to gain some weight – currently 178, shooting for 190. Good luck, Christopher!

Ki Words
Honestly, I did not see a single blog on his list that I recognized other than Angela’s. Perhaps I just don’t keep up with the blogging world as well as I thought. So I selected this one based on Christopher’s mouse-over comment declaring Kira “one of the better writers out there.” I’d have to say that I agree… and I only allowed myself to browse through her August entries. She’s a mom and writes delightful things about her kids (three boys) AND she’s apparently a good friend of Joshilyn Jackson, who just happens to be one of my favorite bloggers, as well as a published writer (still on the library waiting list for that book).

Wilson World
Another Canadian, Kimberly-Ann refers to her two kids as Bug and Munch. Very cute. She also seems to watch quite a bit of NASA TV. How cool is that? Mostly, Kimberly reminds me of just what a small world the Internet creates. She talks about Angela in her blog, as well. Is there anyone online who doesn’t know Angela?

The Daily Yak
Russ is a stay-at-home dad who married “the love of his life” and lives near Washington D.C. That’s enough to get my attention. He writes fairly frequently about daily life and his thoughts. Enjoyable stuff. Lots of links to other great stay-at-home dad sites, as well.


Anonymous said...

Ya just made it as I was ready to holler!

AGK said...

"Is there anyone online who doesn’t know Angela?" ROTFLMBO! I think you just found yourself in a little loop ;) I'm hardly popular!