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Monday, August 22, 2005

Sunday Surfin’ (I know, I know… it’s already Monday)

Instructions for Sunday Surfin’ found here.

  1. This time I’m starting with Pammy at lollygaggin. My sister introduced me to lollygaggin a while back. Her note was something like, “This is a blog I like to read daily,” which I took to mean, “Here is someone who blogs frequently enough to keep a reader entertained – take a hint!”

    I love the title, to start. It sounds like a word my Mom would have used. I’m not sure that it IS a word she used, but it sounds like her kind of word. Great word – lollygaggin. But Pammy is really great at ranting and just plain making you laugh. She can make even the most miserable stories entertaining (check out her rafting trip back in late July). You’ve just got to appreciate a woman who knows how to *itch, isn’t afraid to talk about *ex, and maintains a sense of humor when talking about everything from weight loss to being bagged on by other bloggers. (Obviously, I could take some lessons ;-)

    Pammy just celebrated her one year anniversary of blogging. Stop by and wish her happy blogday.

  2. Pammy obvious reads a lot of interesting blogs. I had trouble choosing, but settled on Just One Girls Head Noise because it sounds like a more interesting version of my own blog’s title (which I’ve been thinking to change, but haven’t come up with anything better). But wow, what I found there is sooo far from funny. Pamela is currently taking chemotherapy treatments. I read her most recent entry and… I’m so ashamed of myself. I don’t think it’s a blog I can read… just yet. She’s telling her story honestly and I admire her strength… I really do. But I’ll be honest (and selfish). I just can’t bring myself to take this journey (even vicariously by reading a blog) just now. It’s been almost eight years since my own mom died from cancer, but reading Pamela’s blog makes it all feel like yesterday. I don’t want to put myself back in that place… thinking about all that like it was yesterday. It’s hard enough having it eight years behind me.

  3. Random was my pick for one that sounded familiar, but that I’ve never read before. Perhaps it sounded familiar because random is a common word in blog titles. However, I again am thinking that I just don’t keep current with the blogging world like I thought I did. There are tons of blogs out there I’ve never read. Didn’t figure out her name from the most recent page of entries, but read a lot of stuff that sounded… familiar. Take #9 from her list of random annoyances, for instance, “I annoy myself sometimes. I know I over-analyze myself and situations. I break it down to the point where the situation becomes moot or has resolved itself without me. I annoy myself because I'm fairly easy going with a control freak side that is an ever battle within. It's very tiring.” Now, does that sound like something I might write about myself, or what?

  4. [daily dose of imagery] is a photoblog of absolutely beautiful pictures. I only took the time to go through August, but every photo was really something to view.

  5. At last I arrive at m3ntal contraband by counting 10 from the bottom of the “weblogs” portion of the daily dose of imagery’s massive links list. (10 from the top was a bad link). What I found here… well, let’s just say I found a world where I felt unhip, very old, and graphically immature. An amusing voice coming to us from New York, NY. Perhaps it really is in a whole-nuther-country I really need to look further to understand this whole lack of capitalization thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#3 comment on the battle within,
Days when its gets to roaring within
I take a pms tablet and yell "stop"
frequently out loud and then check to
see no one is within hearing.
So far they have not carried me off
cause I'm crazy and a menace to society.