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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Plumbing Story: Continued

Completing our plumbing project this morning took very little time. Hubby remarked that we had definitely gained confidence, if not skill. We glued it all together and then completed various other weekend tasks while giving everything time to set up good and hard. We went back this evening with fingers crossed.

First, let me say that our handywork sure looked pretty. I almost wish I'd taken pictures. We turned on the water.

In the beginning we had seven leaks. I wish I could tell you we are now down to zero. However, it seems that we are left at two. One is where our work meets the old, original plumbing. I guess in taking it all out and starting over again, we didn't quite go far enough. The other is kind of a puzzle to me.

I've heard from more experienced plumbers that Gorilla Glue is handy for all that ails you. Perhaps that's the route we shall try next.

1 comment:

Darryl Iorio said...

So you mean you did your plumbing project with little knowledge? It was a brave yet risky act, but it looks like it ended right – dropping from seven to zero leaks is an achievement! Remember that do only what you know you can do and let the plumbers do the more intricate stuff.