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Monday, April 23, 2007

It's not a pond until the fish are swimming.

Until recently I blamed it on the kids, but I must have a thing for fish. We have a small tank of guppies in the house, two betta fish remaining from munchkin #1's second betta breeding attempt, and, as of today, we have six goldfish in a pond in the yard.

The kids and I have been working on an ornamental yard pond for the past couple of weeks. It's been a bit slow going -- the snow, the cold and all. We've been looking forward to adding fish and when I went out with Cheryl last week, she mentioned that they just might have a few extras. We thought we were picking small ones, but I think our perception may have been skewed because we were comparing our selections to Cheryl's huge koi. It was at least a foot long and she thought it was about 9 years old.

Our pond isn't complete, but it sure feels closer now that the fish are swimming.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your water is so clean! The fish didn't look that big when you pulled them out, but compared to the lily, they look HUGE.

LoryKC said...

What a fun idea--and great photos!