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Friday, March 30, 2007

More photos to share.

Gosh, the blog these days seems to be all about the pictures. Perhaps with my change of schedule (evening entries rather than morning) I am proving just how much my ability to write declines as the day passes.

Despite this week's sickness AND all the rain, we managed to get our annual photos taken for munchkin #1. As well, we got in some bonus nature watching. Munchkins #2 & 3 discovered this snake. He was absorbing what little sun there was to absorb. Didn't even flinch as we crept closer for a photo (I was using the zoom -- didn't really get ALL that close.) Then we backed away and turned to go merrily on our way when...

SURPRISE!!! This one was maybe a foot (yes, 12 inches!) behind us. We had approached his friend with the cool, calm observation skills of true scientists. This one was greeted with screams, clutching, and stumbling all over each other (anything not to step on the big old snake!). I went back for the picture after I composed myself. Thus ended this segment of the picture taking session.

Ended up with some beautiful photos of my beautiful daughter, as well.

P.S. We did a little research when we got home and decided the snakes were Northern Water Snakes. If anyone knows anything about snakes and thinks differently, please let me know.

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