
You can now find me writing here...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Resolutions Update

In case you don't remember, the short version is, via week by week goal setting:
weigh a little less by year’s end… and have written a little more

Weight... good news is that the pants still fit... bad news is that the pants still fit... I'm still quite enamored with the "no scales" approach to fitness, but I've also been a bit more dedicated to my old yoga routines AND I've been walking... though I'll be much more enthused about that, I'm sure, when the temps rise a little.

Writing... good news is that I AM WRITING every day and in every way! There is no bad news as far as I can figure.

2007 Potentials still out there: 4
2007 Rejections Received: 2
2007 Potentials in Progress: Countless!

All of my submissions, so far, have been in the form of essays and short stories. No need to pat me on the back, I can reach both shoulders just fine. (Must be another good side effect of that yoga.)

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