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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Fingers still crossed.

Well of course I haven't been blogging, fingers crossed (as Lory pointed out) makes for a very difficult time at the keyboard. No news. Is that good news? Or does no news mean it's been forgotten...

Anywhoo! Nothing more to tell about the house, the yard, OR the piano... but I sure am aching to get this all over with.

I've been reading this very entertaining book called Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States, by Bill Bryson.

I came across two gems that were "pilgrim" words that didn't survive to the modern day. The first is fribble, a frivolus person. The second is sooterkin, meaning sweetheart.

I think they are both wonderful words and we should all work to reinstate them. Are you with me?

I also came across this wonderful piece of trivia: Starlings (the birds) were first introduced to the United States in 1890. The man responsible for releasing the first 40 pairs in Central Park, NY, apparently thought it would be a good thing if America had all the birds ever mentioned by Shakespeare in his plays.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

I know it makes me a fribble but I can't wait to start using Sooterkin!