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Sunday, June 01, 2008

About 38x365

This is a writing exercise that has been stuck in my head ever since Cheryl linked to it at Flyover People. I’ve been thinking for a while now that my birthday would be as good an excuse as any to start this little project.

Dan Waber turned 40 on January 12th, 2006, and wanted to mark the occasion in some positive fashion. So he got this crazy idea (not an unusual event) to write 40 words (no more, no less) every day for a year, and each day he'd write about a different person (in no particular order) who touched his life. But not just anyone, it has to be someone he's actually met in person, someone whose name he still remembers.

Can I actually manage to write 38 words per day? Can I come up with a list of 365 people? Time will tell.

I won't be starting a separate blog for this, but will dedicate a new category label to the project.

Wish me luck.

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