4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
- high fructose corn syrup
- CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations)
- professional (lifetime) politicians
- high-heeled shoes (or any shoes, for that matter, that aren't entirely practical)
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently.
- make broad statements about general groups of people (i.e lawyers, catholics, homeschoolers) as if they can paint them all with the same brush
- claim dozens of reasons for why something can't be done without once considering how whatever it is they want to do CAN be done
- speak poorly or negatively about their children/spouses... especially when it's done in front of said children/spouses
2 things you find yourself moaning about.
- my aching back (or tailbone)
- home improvement projects I've not yet managed to get to
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself.
- I ought to start thinking about when I'm going to do my stint in office...
- Link to the original meme at freelancecynic.com so people know what it's all about!
- Be as honest as possible, This is about letting people get to know the real you!
- Try not to insult anyone - unless they really deserve it or are very, very ugly!
- Post these rules at the end of every meme!
You get things done in a much more timely manner than I do!
Let me know when it's your time to run--I'll vote for you!
Wait a minute ... isn't "career politicians" a general group of people that should not be painted with a broad brush?
Ah... but I'm not painting them. I'm leaving them out of the picture entirely!
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