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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Step into the Unknown, Dwell There, See where it takes you...

This is something Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg said at the retreat I went to a few weekends ago. It really stuck with me and I've been writing daily since. Trying new things. Trying to shrug off this editor in my head who has been demanding productive time rather than creative time. I started by making a list of things unknown to me. The list is still in progress; I've been adding to it nearly every day. And then I write. I just put words onto the page and write, write, write, reminding myself not to worry about where it is going or why I am writing it or what I'm going to do with it when I am through.

It feels good. It makes me feel alive inside. It makes me feel, each day, as if I've take some time for myself rather than always giving all my time away to others.

This morning I woke with a story in my head. I grabbed my notebook and started writing. Sat at the table until the whole thing was outlined -- beginning to end. I couldn't stop. I wrote at home while uploading pictures to put in last year's picture book. I wrote at the coffee shop while drinking some crazy espresso drink to get through the afternoon lulls. I wrote after catching up with the dishes. In one day, I've completed an outline of a story and 6,500 words.

It's unlike anything I've ever written before, but I'm dwelling there. I'm looking forward to seeing where it will take me.


bs said...


Nancy said...

Some good advice in your post today. And isn't a super-good feeling to have the skeleton of your story in the outline? Next, you can flesh it out and it will be a joyful task to do so.

cheryl said...

Wow. That's super! Write, Tracy, write!